A few weeks of housekeeping as we wrap up Jan 2022:
Support for Arbitrum has been included in a recent release for the main site as well as YearnWatch. With a bit more testing Yearn will be ready to launch vaults and strategies on our 3rd chain.
The web team also faced some growing pains as we tackled the largest spike of unique user visits we’ve ever had. This spawned the growth of an infrastructure team with more details to come.
Web and strategists teamed up to begin overhauling our APY: add more data, make it more usable to users, and make it more accessible visually.
Finally, we’ve had a nice push of new contributors helping with issues in multiple web repos.
Accomplishments ✅
SDK Release 1.0.28
feat: support multi strategies on vault details
fix: update simulation example address
fix: migrate to new cache endpoint
feat: improve error handling for simulations 🤬
When simulations fail, our support team has done an amazing job with troubleshooting but it’s time to give them more tools. This feature will help users and support team resolve issues with increased precision.
fix: made disableAllowlist not required
fix: read strategies metadata from API
SDK Release 1.0.27
fix: improve pagination performance
SDK Release 1.0.26
fix: user correct scopes for validateCallData with allowlist service
SDK Release 1.0.25
fix: add new iron bank metadata types
Specifically, this tackled the collateral cap feature that Iron Bank recently implemented
Web Release 1.0.13
feat: add error type to txError
fix: pagination fetch
Web Release 1.0.10
fix: remove APY details if has override
fix: increase confirmation blocks for transactions
Web Release 1.0.9
fix: token balance fetch error
feat: add testing id fields for integration
feat: support arbitrum 🚀
feat: github ci, linting dependencies, added
fix: fixed tests for strategy helper contract
feat: manageable ownership
fix: tests for strategy helper contractfix: removed lens contract and test
test: added test for the ironbank registry adapter
fix: vault description link
fix: add pagination for dynamic assets
feat: add 0xDAO strategies 🤑
Though short-lived, this was fun while it lasted 🙃
feat: add multicall to prices helper
feat: add TUSD and UST fantom IB
fix: remove lens contract
Ongoing Focus and Outstanding Issues
Cycle Focus 🎯
We decided to keep previous themes of security and stability this cycle as we realign our cycle schedule. End to end testing has proven more than useful along with alert bots to update the team with any errors or performance issues.
Current issues 🐛
Fantom RPC. While this isn’t specific to Yearn it continues to affect users. Yearn has shifted our infra to a self-hosted node, which hopefully should smooth out any previous issues users experienced with the public RPC.
APY calculations continue to be a source of questions, especially on Fantom. New additions to the yearn-exporter repo are almost complete, and will provide:
Per-strategy forward-looking (Curve/Convex) and prior harvest (all other vaults) APY
Weekly, monthly, and since inception APY snapshots at the vault level.
To display all of these new numbers, we will be adding a very basic stats page. 📊
Come Build with us! 👷
We’re continually adding public issues to our GitHub and always welcome new contributions in any of our repos